At the District Six Convention in June 2014, the District Six Social Media Support Committee (SMSC) was formed.  The immediate goal of this committee was to provide technical support to all Lodges within the District so that they have a web presence by the time of the next District Six Convention in 2016.  We have defined a web presence as having either a Facebook page, Website, or both, if possible.

Why does your lodge need a web presence?

  1. A website or Facebook page allows a Lodge to keep its members informed about Lodge events.
  2. A website or Facebook page allows a Lodge to inform the general public about Sons of Norway, Lodge events, and other events in your area relating to Scandinavian culture and heritage.

#2. is pertinent in attracting new members to your lodges and that is critical to all District 6 lodges today.

Need help? You can request assistance from the SMSC here.