Distribution Lists

District Six Email Distribution Lists

District Six maintains several email distribution lists to promote communications within the District. Most of these are listservs, that is any email sent to the list email address is sent out to the entire list. Use of these email distribution list are controlled in several ways:

  • Private, only list members are allowed to send to the list
  • Public, anyone may send to the list
  • Moderated, moderator must approve email before it is sent to the list
  • Unmoderated, is sent to the list automatically
  • Announce only, not a listserv, can only be used by those authorized

The distribution lists are:

Name or Email AddressDescriptionSubscribe
All District Six MembersAll District Six members for who we have email addresses - announce onlySubscribe - All D-6
board@sofn6.orgDistrict Six board members – private, unmoderated
presidents@sofn6.orgLodge Presidents and District Six President – public, moderatedSubscribe - Presidents
lodge-vps@sofn6.orgLodge VPs and District Six VP - public, moderatedSubscribe - VPs
secretaries@sofn6.orgLodge Secretaries and District Six Secretary - public, moderatedSubscribe - Secretaries
pr@sofn6.orgLodge Publicity Directors and District Six PRO – public, moderatedSubscribe - PR
editors@sofn6.orgLodge Newsletter Editors and District Six PRO – public, moderatedSubscribe - Editors
d6.cultural.directors@sofn6.orgLodge Cultural Directors and District Six Cultural Director – public, moderatedSubscribe - Cultural Directors
zd@sofn6.orgDistrict Six Zone Directors plus the VP - private, unmoderated
camp-ambassadors@sofn6.orgLodge Camp Norge Ambassadors – public, moderatedSubscribe - Camp Ambassadors
Trollfjell ParentsParents, grandparents, guardians of Camp Trollfjell campers and Trollfjell Folkehøgskule students – announce onlySubscribe - Trollfjell Parents
smsc@sofn6.orgDistrict Six Social Media Support Committee – public, unmoderated

These lists are for Sons of Norway related information and may not be used for any commercial purposes or distribution of information that is not connected with Sons of Norway, District Six, a District Six Lodge, Norwegian heritage and culture, or Scandinavian heritage and culture. Any inappropriate use of these lists will result in your email address being “black listed,” and any future email from that address will be blocked.

Questions, comments, or requests for additional lists may be sent to webmaster@sofn6.org.

Volunteer to be and Email Distribution List Moderator here.