District Six Activity Report District Six Activity Report NOTE: Your completed Report will be sent to all District Six Board members. A note about the text input fields for the "Activities," these are small on screen, but you can type in an much as you wish. It will be a little hard to see or edit the full text. You can use the Home and End keys to quickly get to the beginning or end of the text. If you have a long Activity description, you could type it in Word (or any other text editor) then Copy/Paste into the field(s) of this form. All suggestions and feedback are welcome. Send feedback to webmaster@sofn6.org.Items marked with an "*" are required.This field is hidden when viewing the formDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Name:* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Suffix Office:*PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerPublic Relations OfficerCultural DirectorZone DirectorInternational DirectorOtherZone:* Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Report for Other Office:*Please enter the name of the Office or Position you are reporting for. Example: Chair, Social Media Support CommitteeReporting PeriodStart Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY End Date:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Lodge Visits:*DateLodge Name and NumberActivityTime (in hours) Click the "+" at the right to add additional Visits. Click the "-" if you need to remove a Visit.Membership and Zone Directors:*ActivityTime (in hours) Click on the "+" at the right to add additional items.Bylaws, Policies and Procedures:*ActivityTime (in hours) Click on the "+" at the right to add additional items.Correspondence:* Click on the "+" at the right to add additional items.Total Correspondence Hours:*General Activities:*DateActivityTime (in hours) Click the "+" at the right to add additional Activities. Click the "-" if you need to remove an Activity.The Email and Phone Call field are optional. Use these fields ONLY if not included in any of the items above.Number of email:Time for emails (in hours):Number of Phone Calls:Time for Phone Calls (in hours):Ongoing Activities: Click the "+" at the right to add additional Activities.Goals:* Please list your most important goals between now and the following Board meeting. Click the "+" at the right to add additional Activities. This is a required field, however you can enter "None" if you have no specific goals at this time.Remarks for the Good of the Order:Optional - use this section to bring anything you wish to the attention of the entire Board.Note: Use the Submit button only when your report is finished. When you click on Submit, the formatted report will be sent to all District Six Board members and the form data will be cleared. Click on Save and Continue Later and the current information will be saved and you can come back later to finish.