Duties of District Officers and Directors

Appendix “J” to the Policy Book

Duties of District Officers and Directors


  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the District Lodge and the District Board.
  2. The President shall be the executive officer of the District and supervise proper observance of its constitution, laws, rules and ceremonies.
  3. The President shall submit to the District Lodge a summary of all his/her official acts as well as a report on the condition of the District Lodge and its further needs. This report shall be included in the Report Book of the District Lodge Meeting.
  4. The President shall appoint all District Committees, with the exception of the Membership Committee.
  5. The President shall approve all District Officer/Director expense reports prior to payment by the Treasurer.
  6. The President or his/her appointee shall be a member of the District Six Recreation Center Board of Directors and shall attend all meetings of said Board.
  7. The President shall attend the bi-annual meetings of the District Presidents’ Council in conjunction with the International Board Meetings in Minneapolis, MN.
  8. The President shall report goals, initiatives and other pertinent District programs to the International Board.
  9. The President shall represent the District at important Lodge events whenever possible.

Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings and in cases where the President is prevented from acting, perform all his/her duties.
  2. The Vice President shall be chairperson of the District Membership and Retention Committee.
  3. The Vice President shall be the supervisor of the Zone Directors
  4. The Vice President shall submit a written report of membership activities at each District Board meeting.
  5. The Vice President shall have the responsibility of keeping the District Six Policy Book updated and distribute all changes to members of the District Board and lodges.
  6. The Vice President will meet with the Zone Directors prior to each District Board Meeting weekend to exchange ideas and/or discuss long-range goals, problems, etc. The Vice President will report about this meeting to the District Board.
  7. The Vice President shall participate in the Vice Presidents’ network, led by the International Vice President.


  1. The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings of the District Lodge, the District Board and carry on official correspondence which has not been expressly delegated to others.
  2. The Secretary shall, within 45 days after a District Lodge Meeting, send the Sons of Norway Headquarters a complete copy of the minutes of the meeting.
  3. Within 5 days after a District Lodge Meeting, send to the Sons of Norway Headquarters the names of the International delegates and their alternates and copies of the proposed resolutions and constitution and by-law changes that must be considered by the International Lodge.
  4. The Secretary shall prepare and send reports to the Sons of Norway Headquarters as required.
  5. The Secretary shall prepare an annual directory of the District Lodges.
  6. The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of each District Board and District Lodge meeting and shall forward a copy to the District Board and lodges within 30 days of such meetings. Minutes of District Lodge Meetings shall also be sent to Convention Delegates
  7. The Secretary shall issue a letter to each lodge in November preceding each Convention. The letter shall serve as a reminder to lodges of timelines and procedures for electing delegates.


  1. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all monies belonging to the District Lodge.
  2. The Treasurer shall receive money belonging to the District Lodge and shall promptly deposit it in a financial institution approved by the Executive Committee.
  3. The Treasurer shall make all payments by check, issued by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President, Vice President or Secretary as may be determined by the District Board.
  4. The Treasurer shall give a written financial report at the District Board and District Lodge meetings.
  5. The Treasurer shall see that the books are audited annually.
  6. The Treasurer shall be authorized, with the approval of the District Board, to invest in interest bearing accounts such as CD’s, treasury bills and insured by the FDIC, or Sons of Norway Investment.
  7. Records held by the Treasurer shall be retained as follows:

Receipts and Disbursement Journal (cash book)
General Ledger (as required)
General Journal (as required)
Audit Reports

Seven Years:
Cash Book
Bank Statements
Investment Statements
Paid Bills, Expense
Tax Returns

Public Relations Officer

  1. The Public Relations Officer shall publish a District Newsletter three times per year, to be mailed in February, June and October.
  2. The Public Relations Officer shall prepare pages of District news for the Viking Magazine, from news sent from the Local Lodges of the Distric
  3. The Public Relations Officer shall send guidelines to the Local Lodges on submitting news items, publicity, photographs, etc., for the Viking Magazine each Jan
  4. The Public Relations Officer shall assist Local Lodges with their publicity needs by assisting in the development of lodge brochures, news releases, lodge activity promotions, newsletter, or any other publication they may wish to make for the benefit of their members.
  5. The Public Relations Officer will conduct a newsletter showcase at each District Lodge Meeting. The Public Relations Officer will announce the month(s) to be considered for the Newsletter Showcase.

Cultural Director

  1. The Cultural Director shall develop communications with all lodge Cultural Directors, monitor District cultural activities and assist where needed in developing cultural programs for the lodges.
  2. The Cultural Director shall provide information for the District Six newsletter, and social media re: District cultural activities and programs as well as other related heritage and culture sources.
  3. The Cultural Director shall encourage, actively promote and track results of local lodge participation in the Cultural Skills programs through Sons of Norway headquarters and report to the District Board.
  4. The Cultural Director may work with the District Convention Cultural program.
  5. The Cultural Director may plan and direct and promote the Folk-Art Exhibition and Competition at the District Convention working in conjunction with the Convention Committees and Zone Directors.
  6. The Cultural Director may assist in securing the judges for the Folk-Art Exhibition and Competition at the District Convention.
  7. The Cultural Director will be the district liaison between the appropriate Norwegian cultural representatives and District Six local lodges to provide greater access to Norwegian/Nordic artists and performers.

International Director Of District Six
Alternate International Director Of District Six 

Duties as regards to the District:

  1. The International Director is the liaison between the District and the International Board of Directors.
  2. The International Director will attend International Board of Directors meetings as stated in the Charter and Constitutions and notify the District President and/or the District Board of any pertinent information concerning policy.
  3. The International Director will represent District Six in performing the Director duties as stated in the Charter and Constitutions and in the Sons of Norway Policy Book – International Lodge.
  4. The International Director will attend the District Six Board meetings, the biennial District Lodge Meeting, and any other committee meetings or events to benefit the District and/or the Order.
  5. The Alternate International Director will do the same in the absence or inability of the International Director to perform such duties.
  6. The International director has voice (but not vote) at District Six Board Meetings and Conventions.

Zone Directors

  1. Zone Directors will act as the liaison between the Lodges of their Zone and the District Board.
  2. Immediately after their election, Zone Directors will inform their Zone Lodges of the responsibilities of their position and of their availability to help in lodge matters and/or to answer any questions about the Order.
  3. Zone Directors will visit each lodge in their zone at least once a year. In cases where distance is a factor, an assistant who is approved by the District Board may perform these visits. In addition to lodge visitations, Zone Directors will keep the lodges informed of District matters and Zone activities.
  4. Zone Directors should, when available, and upon a Lodge’s request, perform the installation of officers or assist a District Executive Officer in the installation of officers.
  5. Each Zone Director shall prepare a report of activities prior to each Board meeting and provide an annual budget for submission to the District Treasurer prior to each Fall Board meeting.
  6. Zone Directors shall meet with the District Vice President prior to each District Board Meeting to exchange ideas and/or discuss long-range goals, problems, etc.
  7. Zone Directors shall keep the District Vice President informed about all lodge visits utilizing the Zone Director’s Visitation Report (Appendix L).
  8. Zone Directors shall work with area Kretsstevne committees and/or hosting lodges as assigned by the District President.
  9. Zone Directors will be reimbursed for travel and other expenses as stated in the District Policy Book. Compensation for required lodge visitations shall be limited to one roundtrip per year to each lodge in their zone.
  10. The local Zone Director shall serve as the liaison between the district convention committee and the District Board. The Zone Director shall also assist the convention committee as directed by the District President.
  11. Zone Directors shall schedule and conduct workshops or other activities, within the zone or with individual lodges, as necessary or as requested by the District President.
  12. Zone Directors shall assist a local lodge in making arrangements for the District Board meeting (meeting space, rooms, meals, etc.) when the Board has accepted an invitation to hold its meeting in conjunction with a local lodge event.
