Sons of Norway District Six Convention 2022

Sheraton Mesa Hotel, Mesa, AZ
Thursday, June 2 – Sunday June 5, 2022

Dear District Six members,

This November, we will begin sending important information to the lodges regarding our District Lodge Meeting and Convention in Mesa, Arizona, June 2 -June 5, 2022. The theme of the convention is “Celebrating our Roots.” The cultural program will focus on our genealogy, and other activities will focus on our shared “roots.” All local COVID guidelines will be followed during the event.

Your lodge will receive information regarding choosing delegates. All lodges receive two delegates, and some lodges receive additional delegates based on their lodge membership. All members of a lodge are eligible to attend. The Charter and Constitution states that all delegates must be elected, but all members may attend the convention as a guest, if not elected as a delegate. The district doesn’t pay for you to attend the convention, nor do most lodges. However, some lodges do provide some compensation to their delegates. Many lodges have fundraisers to assist their delegates with expenses. The costs for the delegate package, guest package, and the hotel room will be posted on the District Six website.

Please consider being a delegate. Have someone in your lodge nominate you when your lodge votes for delegates. Also, at the convention, we will elect delegates to the International Convention that will be held in Minneapolis. To be an international delegate, you must own a Sons of Norway Financial product, which is not a requirement for the district convention.
Why go to convention? There are many reasons to go to the District Lodge Meeting and Convention which include: representing your lodge, learning more about Sons of Norway, meeting and networking with members from other lodges. This convention, we are going to make an effort for you to connect with other people who may share the same Norwegian connection that you may have. Wouldn’t be crazy to meet a relative at the convention. It has happened!

There will be more information coming this month from our District Secretary, Nancy Madson, as well as information on an “early bird” sale for greetings/ads for our convention book.

I hope to see many of you at our District Six Lodge Meeting and Convention in Mesa, Arizona.

Luella Grangaard
District Six President